What is Stewardship?

What is Stewardship?

The Christian Stewardship concept holds that all that we are, all that we have are gifts from God and that we have been truly blessed by Him. The concept of Christian Stewardship suggests that we are given three gifts which can be symbolic of the three gifts presented by the Magi at Christ’s birth.

The Gift of Time

Service to one’s Church and Community consists of offering one’s Time to serve the poor, volunteer at school or church, lector, be a Eucharistic Minister, but most importantly the gift of Time is allowance for prayer. Prayer is such an important part of our lives that we must make Time for it in our daily but busy lives. Needless to say, we must appropriate the gift of Time for prayer and volunteering our service.

The gift of Unique Talents

Again, we have all been blessed by God with Unique, individual talnts that can serve our Church and Community. Through an offering of our unique God Given Talents we can serve God through service to the parish and one another. Wonderful opportunities are available to volunteer that unique talent. On a practical level, the parish can benefit substantially with many volunteer projects that save financial resources for the parish.

The Gift of Treasure

The gift of our treasure is probably the most challenging to each of us as well as being a test of our faith. Our secular culture holds wealth and possessions as symbols of our independence, power, and personal success. But what of our spiritual efforts? We must prayerfully consider “moving forward in faith” in an unconventional way – without guarantees of a return or gratification from our financial gifts. We are not “buying’ anything with our gifts but rather making a return to the Lord for the many gifts He has bestowed on us. Our blessings are only ours through the grace of God and those blessings can help to do God’s work. We are called to serve others with our gifts.

Time Opportunities

Prayer -

Stewardship begins in prayer. Stewardship is not about me: it is about Him. Consider a few of the following prayer suggestions as you make your yearly commitment.Pray privately at least 15 minutes once a dayPray more with my family Pray the rosary at least weekly Attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day Confession at least 4 times this year Eucharistic Adoration Invite a friend or = acquaintance to Mass Pray for the sick of our parish

Faith Formation

Read the weekly Bulletin and NE Register Focus on the “Spiritual Works of Mercy”

Read the biography of one saint this year

Consider a spiritual retreat


Visit a local Nursing Home Provide food for homebound/elderly Donate to Food Pantry and/or Catholic Social Services

Talent Opportunities


Greeter at Mass or for new parishioners Volunteer for Parish events/activities Assist/attend Coffee & rolls after Mass


Acolyte, lector, reader, music, Eucharistic minister.Usher, gift bearer, altar server Rosary leader, Prayer Chain

Faith Formation

Bible Study, RCIA, Cursillo CCD and High School volunteer or /teacher Religious Retreat/encounter, Financial Peace Seminar


Knights of Columbus, Altar Society Parish Council/Finance Committee/Trustee Parish Maintenance, Painting, Cleaning Parish Office Volunteer

Treasure Opportunities

Complete my Joy of the Gospel pledge Donate to a new cause this year (vocations, missions, church maintenance) Offer support to a needy family or Catholic Social Services

The level of my time, talent, and treasure commitments is right:

When I can no longer make any excuses for the quality or quantity of my commitments.When I can honestly state that my commitments are sacrificial as I offer them in thanksgiving to God. When I can honestly state that when I make my commitments, I am being honest with God and with myself.

Time to Commit

Take time now to make your plan for the coming year. Try some of these and add other items to these minimal lists of opportunities for religious growth. Contact your priest, parish council, organization officer, or fellow parishioners to put your thoughts into action.

Try something new to re-energize your faith.


When making a commitment to giving, we place our trust and security in the Lord. It is a matter of moving forward in our own faith – without any guarantees.

We must realize that we are all given a few short years on God’s earth to “build up the kingdom”. Sharing your blessings by being a Christian Steward will make our community and this world just a little better. Prayerfully consider making that all important movement forward in faith. Remember, God is never outdone in generosity to each and every one of us.

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