Men who have been trained and installed to prepare the altar for Mass and to clean the altar after Mass. They are also privileged to distribute Communion during Mass and to take Communion to the sick or homebound.
Volunteer men and women who have been trained and/or installed to read the scripture at Mass.
Third grade and older boys who have received their First Communion are eligible to begin training to assist Father with the Mass.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Our Acolytes serve in this capacity but we are looking for additional volunteers to serve the homebound.
We are fortunate to have several women who provide us with wonderful organ and/or piano music for Masses, funerals, and weddings. Also available is digital equipment to be able to use recorded music. The Knights Choir sings once a month and a youth choir for special occasions. We are always looking for others to offer their talents as cantors, guitorists, or someone interested in the digital music.
The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance.
The Knights of Columbus supports Catholic programs and our local parish. Catholic men over 18 yrs. of age who would like to help out your local parish and community in a church organization, please consider joining the Knights. Activities include support of Pro-Life, persons with intellectual disabilities, and Youth activities. We provide parish and community activities including Old Settlers dinner, Winter Fries & cards, Christmas Santa and Caroling, and parish work days. We meet the 3rd Sunday of each month after Mass. Please call Dave McConville at 308-737-8692 for more information.
All women are welcome! Meetings are the 2nd Sunday of the month after Mass and are announced in the bulletin. Activities include funeral dinners, Spring Fling, Guest Day events, Ice Cream Social, Bingo at the Nursing Home, care of Altar linens and flowers. We support CCD activities, Right-to-Life, Food Pantry and many more worthy causes. For more information, please join us at our next meeing or contact Ondrea McConville @ 308-340-9038.
The council is made up of Father, two parishioners appointed by the Pastor and 6 elected by the Parish. The Council is involved in assisting the Pastor with the everyday activities of the Parish and longer range plans. They also assist with financial planning and the spiritual life of the Parish.
Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.
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